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Tailored Self-Care for Busy Medical Professionals. Elevate Your Daily Routine!

Drained, defeated, or defying expectations?

You’ve faced long nights, the weight of perfection, and the tightrope walk between caring for others and caring for yourself. Whether you are feeling pressure from being at the top, the pressure from trying to get there, or none of the above, welcome. In our profession, stress and burnout loom, which create opportunities for mistakes.

When it comes to health, even small mistakes can be monumental. We can’t make sweeping changes to the healthcare system, but we can individually achieve and maintain our core performance. 


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Hear What Doctors are Saying

I went from winning a medical award to receiving divorce papers and making small mistakes at work. Because I was working so much, I was failing my marriage, children, my family, and my friends, but I couldn't see it. Then here's the kicker: when you feel like you've lost everything, there's nothing left to do but pour yourself into work even more.

Even though the gossip ran all over, the hospital was my life.

Then a doctor (who had pretty much been my rival since I started) saw me almost collapse from exhaustion. Instead of reporting me, she told me to take a break and get my life back together. I thought it was a trick to get me out of the picture, but it turned out to be the life-changing advice that I needed. I came to Core Elite looking for doctors who would empathize and understand me. I stayed because I found a medical family that helped me. They didn't save my marriage, family, life, career—they helped me readjust so I could save everything myself. I am grateful to still have everything that matters to me. When they (we) say iron sharpens iron, you have no idea.
Dr. Lesley
"Get out of your everyday life. Get out of the craziness. Get out of your work and all that time where you’re just, “give, give, give” — and take the time out to do something for YOU, your mind, your heart and your body."
"There are so many distractions in life — sometimes we choose the distractions so we don’t have to listen to what’s going on. With Core Wellness Healing you are really able to dig down into who you are, personalize what it is you really WANT, and crystallize what it is that really makes you happy."
"A lot of times, we have different experiences in our lives… we feel that we have to work, work, work and constantly be on the go. This is an opportunity to get in touch, truly relax and appreciate, choose the best life has to offer... and to live with VITALITY."
Kim M.
How did Core Elite change my life? That's hard to answer. I felt like life was okay, but it seemed like everyone around me was ungrateful and didn't appreciate the sacrifices I made for them. Having a circle of people in the industry has inspired me to see life differently. Nothing was bad. But life feels 'better'.
Dr. Anitra
They say if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. But that's where I always found myself. It was boring. Intellectual stimulation is underrated, and I get it in spades here. There's also something to be said for just leaving work at work and enjoying a mojito at Long Beach with some top-notch colleagues.
Dr. Chukwu K.

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Guess Where our Next Core Elite Fall Retreat will be?
Hint! Hint!